Free Masen
A blog about software development
Resume TUI
Re-imagining my resume
Playing around with LLVM IR
SQLite Parser Pt. 3 Correction!
We all miss stuff sometimes
SQLite Parser Pt. 4
Let's start streaming
SQLite Parser Pt. 3
The Header... keeps going
SQLite Parser Pt. 2
The Header... continues
SQLite File Parser Pt. 1
The Header
RESS 0.7.0!
So much has changed
Using Wasmer for Plugins Part 4
Real world implementation
Using Wasmer for Plugins Part 3
Now with more ease
Using Wasmer for Plugins Part 2
Things are getting complicated
Using Wasmer for Plugins Part 1
Rust to wasm and back again
The Phantom Builder
Building yourself when you don't know the half of it
Rusty Ecma Book
Building JavaScript development tools with Rust
Understanding Binary, Pt 2 number formats
A guide to understanding binary from a programmer's perspective
What is RESSA
The basic use of the Rusty ECMAscript Syntax Analyzer
3 Rust Parsers
Choosing a rust parsing library
What is RESS
The basic use of the Rusty ECMAscript Scanner
From Bash to Rust
Rebuilding a bash script as a rust program
Rust + Wasm
Getting started with Rust and Web Assembly
Understanding Binary, Pt 1
A guide to understanding binary from a programmer's perspective