Playing around with LLVM IR

Over the past few months in my free time I have been trying to learn how to build a compiler and as it stands today one of the easiest places to start is with LLVM.

A brief overview of LLVM is that it is a compiler framework that is designed very explicitly to be modular. This means that the front-end, middle-end, and back-end are all just components that can be swapped in and out as needed. This means that a project author could build just the part of the compiler that goes from source text into a format that LLVM's middle and back ends can consume and they would get all the optimizations and target platform support that LLVM's eco-system can provide.

My initial project has been a toy front-end using the Lua programming language as the input format. After a few weeks of learning I was able to get a very small sub-set of Lua compiling using the wonderful Rust library Inkwell. While Inkwell does a great job making the process of interacting with the LLVM C-API from Rust, I quite often found myself generating the LLVM IR text format to try and figure out why the code I was generating wasn't working the way I expected. Along the way I became a little bit fascinated with the language itself and I started a "playground" project to experiment with the semantics of the language and see how much I could end up building with it and really ended up enjoying it way more that I had expected so I thought I'd share what I've learned.

To start let's go over the tools we are going to be using to work with the LLVM IR. The primary CLI tools we are going to need are the interpreter lli, a linker llvm-link, and a compiler llc. Most of these unfortunately don't come with the default llvm installs from package managers like apt, brew or choco, which means we would need to build LLVM from source to use them and that is a huge chore since most computers will take multiple hours to generate an LLVM build. Up until version 14 or so a noble volunteer was doing that work for us and uploading them to the LLVM repository but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening any more. If you want to avoid building LLVM, I have a github repo with a few versions available to download. Once you have your llvm build in place, you'll probably want to add the bin directory to your path which will allow us to use the above commands to build or execute our programs.

Now that we have our system setup to execute some code, let's go over some basics of the language. To start, we are going to create a program with a main function that when run, exits with the status code of 0.

define i32 @main() {
    ret i32 0

There is actually quite a bit going on here even though this program does absolutely nothing. First we have the keyword define, this will be used to define all the functions we will write, next we have i32 which is the return type for our function, the language is strongly typed but the type system is both very small and very flexible. To start all integers are written i<size>, from booleans as i1, to odd sizes like i4 or i256. It is also worth noting that integers aren't signed or unsigned. You may have noticed that the name of our function starts with the @ character, llvm-ir uses this starting character for all global variables and all local variables are denoted with the % starting character.

So to overview, that first line above is declaring a c-style main function that returns a 32 bit integer. Now the body of that function we encounter our first "instruction" ret which is essentially the return keyword you might be familiar with from other languages, ret takes 1 argument, the value to return (note that the type of that value must be provided). Now, this program does nothing but let's just get in the habit of using lli, we are going to assume the file above is called a.ll

lli ./a.ll
echo $?

Now, if we update that to return a number other than 0, we should see the output change.

define i32 @main() {
    ret i32 1

this should produce the following

lli ./a.ll
echo $?

Now, let's take a shot at the perennial favorite hello world program. First, we are going to need a way to print something to the terminal. Thankfully all of libc is available when we are using lli so we can actually use printf from C's <stdio.h> but first we need to use a new keyword declare to declare a function without providing the full definition. To add this declaration we'll update our example to have a new line at the top.

declare i32 @printf(ptr, ...)

This essentially imports a function into our module. To start we can see the familiar syntax after our declare keyword, i32 is the return type, then we use the @ prefix to name our function and then we define the parameters. The first parameter in this case is a ptr which is a type that represents any pointers. In the case of printf it expects a C-style string (or char *) in the first argument. There is one other oddity about printf, it can take any number of arguments for that we can use the ... placeholder to indicate this.

Now that printf is imported, we want to declare our second global variable to hold our hello world string.

declare i32 @printf(ptr, ...)
@hw = global [ 14 x i8 ] c"Hello World!\0A\00"

We have a few new pieces of syntax in this addition, the first is the use of the global keyword, which flags the following expression to define the global variable. The other new syntax is the array, which uses the format [ <size> x <type> ] where <size> is the number of elements and the <type> is any previously defined type. In our case we are declaring a 14 element array of 8 bit integers. While llvm-ir doesn't have a string type, it does have a nice way to create an array of bytes using the c"..." syntax, in our example we are defining a 14 byte array because Hello World! is 12 bytes and then we need to add the \0A (\n) and \00 (NUL) bytes to the end, which is what printf will expect. With that out of the way, let's update our @main function to use these two new additions.

declare i32 @printf(ptr, ...)
@hw = global [ 14 x i8 ] c"Hello World!\0A\00"

define i32 @main() {
    call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    ret i32 0

Now we have our second instruction the call instruction which is used to call a function and requires the return type and then the function name followed by any arguments that might be required. For us the function is @printf which returns an i32 that we are ignoring. The arguments to @printf is at least 1 pointer, here we are using the global we declared @hw, notice we use the same type prefix we use for function declarations and definitions, ptr @hw but why does @hw have the type ptr, we declared it with the type [14 x i8]? This is because all global variables must be accessed as pointers. This may seem strange but the reason for this is that typically compilers emit all global/static/constant values as part of the binary's .data section so when we refer to the variable we are actually referring to the byte offset of the binary file. To make this clear, let's compile our a.ll into an object file using the following.

llc --filetype=obj ./a.ll

This is telling the llvm-ir compiler to read in a.ll and output an object file, which should result in a new file named a.o in the working directory. We can now use a tool like objdump to inspect the contents of this binary. In our case we want to just read the .data section so we will pass the argument -j .data to only show the section we care about and the -s flag to make sure it outputs the entire contents of that section.

objdump -s -j .data ./a.o 

./a.o:     file format elf64-x86-64

Contents of section .data:
 0000 48656c6c 6f20576f 726c6421 0a00      Hello World!..

Here we can see that that the data section contains 1 entry at the offset 0000 with the value Hello World! followed by 2 unrenderable characters (\n\0). Hopefully that helps make sense of why all global variables are pointers.

Now, our application is always exiting with the code 0 but what if we wanted to return the same value that is provided by our call to @printf, this would mean we need to assign that value to a variable and then update our ret instruction to return our variable instead of 0. That would look something like this

define i32 @main() {
    %ret = call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    ret i32 %ret

Here we are declaring a new variable named %ret and assigning the result of calling @printf. Notice how we've used the % starting character for our variable name, this is similar to the @ starting character for global variables but % is used for local variables. We can now update return instruction to use our new variable instead of the value 0. With those changes we are now returning the same value that printf would return, let's see what that looks like when we run it!

lli ./a.ll
Hello World!
echo $?

So, it looks like our printf call is returning the number of characters written to stdout but by returning that value our exit code is an error. What if we wanted to ensure that we return 0 unless printf didn't print our whole string? For that we will need some control flow.

So far, the language looks a lot like C, however instead of the control flow syntax we might be used to, like if, for, and while it uses something called basic blocks and an instruction for moving from one block to another. Any function can omit the first basic block but if we wanted to be explicit we could write our last example like this.

define i32 @main() {
    %ret = call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    ret i32 %ret

In the above, it becomes clear that the @main function has a single basic block named entry, this was essentially true before, except the single basic block didn't have a name. But how can we use this to operate like an if statement would? Well, we are going to need to use two new instructions the icmp instruction which compares integers and the br function which is how we jump from one basic block to another.

icmp is an instruction used for all integer comparisons, it will always return an i1 so we can assign that to a variable. It takes a first argument indicating what comparison we want to perform for example eq for equality which in our case should be enough.

define i32 @main() {
    %ret = call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    %success = icmp eq i32 %ret, 13
    ret i32 %ret

In this update, we've added a new assignment for the result of our icmp eq, which takes 2 arguments; the first requires a type, in this case i32, the second needs to have the same type but we don't write that one out. Breaking down our addition here, we are assigning to the variable %success the result of comparing %ret with 13, if %ret is 13 then %success will be 1 otherwise it will be 0. Now let's update our code to return 0 when %success is 1 and %ret when it is 0. To do that we are going to add 2 new basic blocks and a br instruction to perform the jump to the appropriate block.

define i32 @main() {
    %ret = call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    %success = icmp eq i32 %ret, 13
    br i1 %success, label %succ, label %fail
    ret i32 0
    ret i32 %ret

Alright, quite a bit has changed here which is a pretty typical experience when working with llvm-ir it takes a lot more code to do what most programming languages can achieve with a single expression or statement. To start, we've added a new instruction after our icmp, the br instruction which is taking the first argument of our comparison's result as i1 %success this is telling the br to choose the second argument if 1 or the third argument if 0. Next we provide our two options for jumping by using the label keyword (or type name?) followed by the local variable name of the basic block we've declared. Notice that we need to use the % prefix when we refer to a block's name but we don't when we declare the basic block.

Next we can see that there are 2 new basic blocks declared, one named succ for our success case and one named fail for our failure case. There are a few interesting things about basic blocks to note, first is that we can refer to %ret from fail which means that the scope of a variable in a basic block can be accessed from outside of that block, this is actually even more interesting than it seems because basic blocks are internally converted into a directional graph, ours is pretty simple and might look like the following.

entry ─┬─> success
       └─> fail

Where the entry block can jump to either of the success or fail block and then the graph is complete. So long as the value is assigned before our block in the graph then it is accessible. This doesn't seem all that interesting now because the lexical scope of our code matches the order of the graph but when we get into the process of creating loops this is going to become far more interesting.

At this point though, let's go ahead and run our program to make sure it works like we expected.

lli ./a.ll && echo "success" || echo "failed!"
Hello World!

Nice! That works as expected. Now let's explore the statement above about creating a loop. We can update our program to print 5 times. To do this we are going to need to use a few new instructions, first is an alternative version of the br instruction which just takes 1 argument a label and will unconditionally jump to that block. The second is the add instruction which adds two integers together. The third is a phi (pronounced fee) instruction which is super weird but allows us to assign a variable based on which basic block we've just jumped from. Before we dig into the why, let's see what the code looks like

define i32 @main() {
    br label %looptop
    %iter = phi i32 [0, %entry], [%next, %loopbody]
    %done = icmp eq i32 %iter, 5
    br i1 %done, label %succ, label %loopbody
    %ret = call i32 @printf(ptr @hw)
    %success = icmp eq i32 %ret, 13
    %next = add i32 %iter, 1
    br i1 %success, label %looptop, label %fail
    ret i32 0
    ret i32 %ret

Ok, we have quite a bit to unpack here. To start, our entry block now only has this new version of br that will always jump to the looptop block, this is needed to allow the phi instruction to work for us.

Let's break down the phi instruction, this takes a type and then a series of value/label pairs indicating what value to use based on where we just came from. In our case if we've come from the entry block then we want %iter to be 0 however if we've come from the loopbody block, we want to use whatever value might be assigned to %next. Next we check to see if %iter is the number 5 and assign that to the %done variable, if %done is 1 then we jump to the succ block, if it is 0 then we jump to the loopbody block. At this point we've reached the code we had written before, calling printf and seeing if that returns 13, if it doesn't then we exit with that number as the exit code except this time, instead of jumping to succ when %success is 1, we jump back to looptop but before we do, we need to define %next which is always set to be 1 more than %iter by using the add instruction to add 1 to whatever value comes out of our phi instruction.

Let's look at what our graph looks like now with these changes.

               │               │
               ▼  ┌─►loopbody──┴──┐
entry────►looptop─┤               ▼
                  └─►succ       fail

This can be a little difficult to follow, especially because %next is absolutely undefined when we are writing looptop but we are able to use %next in the first instruction in that block. This has to do with the fact that llvm needs to use code that is in single static assignment (aka SSA) form which is a fancy way to say that all variable names can only every be assigned by 1 expression. This doesn't mean that each variable name needs to always have the same value but that the expression that defines that variable needs to never change. SSA is something that helps out with some compiler optimizations that I don't really understand but are apparently important enough to require the need for a phi node over re-assigning to the same variables.

The reason that we can refer to %next in looptop is because in at least 1 path through the graph, %next has been defined. Specifically we know that if we will only try and evaluate the value of %next when we've jumped from the loopbody block because the phi instruction only has a reference to %next in the pair [%next, %loopbody]. Now, let's try and run our program.

lli ./a.ll
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!
Hello World!

Hey! That is exactly what we expected! Now we have an idea of how to write functions, global variables, and loops in llvm-ir which feels like a good place to break. In the next post we will dig a little further into pointers and hopefully declaring our own types.