SQLite Parser Pt. 4

Let's start streaming

This is the fourth in a series of posts describing the process of building a SQLite file parser. If you missed the last part you can find it here.

Now that we have the header parsing finished for a sqlite database, we are well on our way to getting through the whole file. In the next post we will start parsing the pages that a database is divided into, however before we get to to that, we should talk about one concern that will be more difficult to address if we continue down our current path: memory usage.

Looking at our DatabaseHeader we can expect that the 100 bytes of our file will translate to about 72 bytes in memory, when we add that together we get a total of 172 bytes and while that isn't a ton of usage, imagine what will happen if we tried read the full file in before parsing a 1gb sqlite database? The header size wouldn't be too bad but the rest of the file would fill up our memory pretty quick. Rust provides a few options dealing with raw bytes that we may or may not want to read into memory all at once. The most basic option would be the Read trait, this allows us to call Read::read(&mut self, &mut buf) which will attempt to fill up the provided buf which is a slice of u8s, it then returns the number of bytes actually read. For example.

use std::io::Read;

fn main() {
    // Open a file on disk
    let file = std::fs::File::open("some_file.txt");
    // allocate a buffer of 512 bytes to read part of the file into
    let mut buf = [0u8;512];
    loop {
        let bytes_read = file.read(&mut buf).expect("Something went wrong when reading!");
        if bytes_read == 0 {
            // Reached the end of the file
        println!("Read {} bytes as:\n{:?}", bytes_read, &buf[..bytes_read]);


This is pretty nice, we could say try and read in the first 100 bytes of our file and then our parse_header would just work, since it takes a slice of bytes as well. However this could be a bit problematic since the buf we are providing is a fixed size but read doesn't always fill buf even if there are enough bytes in the file to do so, we would need to maybe make multiple calls to read before we reached 100. On the other side of the same problem, calling read with just 100 bytes could be expensive, since that will result in a system call which is never free.

To solve this problem, Rust provides another interface, this one carries its own buffer internally and actually solves both problems above, it will call read multiple times for us if needed and it will also read into its buffer ahead of what we want to avoid multiple calls to read if not needed. This struct is called BufReader, we could adjust our previous example to use this instead and end up with something like

use std::io::{BufReader, Read};

fn main() {
    // Open a file on disk
    let file = std::fs::File::open("some_file.txt");
    // Wrap this impl Read in a BufReader
    let buf_reader = BufReader::new(file);
    // allocate a buffer of 512 bytes to read part of the file into
    let mut buf = [0u8;512];
    loop {
        let bytes_read = buf_reader.read(&mut buf).expect("Something went wrong when reading!");
        if bytes_read == 0 {
            // Reached the end of the file
        println!("Read {} bytes as:\n{:?}", bytes_read, buf[..bytes_read]);


Notice, things don't change very much, we still need to provide a buffer when calling read and we still need to make sure that it gets filled appropriately. The key difference here is that we are far more likely to fill buf if the underlying file is large enough to do so. It doesn't look like much of a win but it really does help. Another interesting thing about BufReader is that it implements the trait BufRead which gives you access to things like read_line or read_until which ends up being incredibly helpful in a lot of common file reading tasks.

The one big issue we haven't yet addressed about these two interfaces is that if we ever needed to re-parse something we would have to essentially just start from the beginning again. Since our header contains a few different ways to tell us if any of our pages have changed, it seems reasonable that we would want to periodically re-read the header eventually. This brings us to the last rust standard library type that we are going to discuss the Seek trait which defines how users can move from their current position in the implementor (for us a BufReader) to some other position.

Say we wanted to have our main re-read the header of our file every second and print the result, we could just open and close the file each time through the loop, or we could use BufReader's implementation of Seek to reset the open file back to 0 and re-read first 100 bytes each iteration.

use sqlite_parser::header::parse_header;
use std::io::{BufReader, Read, Seek, SeekFrom};

fn main() {
    let file = std::fs::File::open("database.sqlite").unwrap();
    let reader = BufReader::new(file);
    loop {
        let new_offset = reader.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(new_offset, 0);
        let mut buf = [0u8; 100];
        let ct = reader.read(&mut buf).unwrap();
            ct, 100,
            "Unable to read the first 100 bytes of database.sqlite"
        let header = parse_header(&buf).unwrap();
        println!("{:#?}", header);

Notice how the method seek takes an enum SeekFrom, the variants here are Start, End and Current, so our code above is moving to byte 0 when counting from the start of the file. This is going to come in handy when we get our page parsing in line since we are probably going to want to jump from one page start to another and seek would be a nice way to do that.

Now that we have our reader setup, we should probably re-visit our header parsing to take advantage of this interface. We are going to convert our try_parse_* helper functions to work with an impl Read instead of taking a byte slice but before doing this we need to add a new variant of our Error enum. Let's start by updating that.

// error.rs

pub enum Error {
    /// Failure to read bytes from the sqlite file
    /// The string will provide a context for where
    /// reading failed.
    IoError(std::io::Error, &'static str),

impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            // ...
            Self::IoError(inner, what) => write!(f, "Io Error parsing {}: {}", what, inner),

This is going to end up doing a lot of the same work that our Invalid*32 variants did before so we will include not only the Error provided by the io library but also the name of where we failed as a string literal.

Before we start in on the update to our lib.rs we should take care of one other thing, updating this project from the 2018 edition to use the 2021 edition. Thankfully this just means updating the value in our Cargo.toml.

# ./Cargo.toml
name = "sqlite_parser"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["freemasen"]
# This is the value we need to update
edition = "2021"

With that we can now take advantage of the new "const generics" feature to help streamline our read operations, we are going to do this in a new function named read_bytes

// lib.rs

// first we need to add this new import
use std::io::{
    // the `as` here allows us to avoid creating a conflict with our
    // `error::Error` enum.
    Error as IoError

// now we can define this new function.

/// Read an exact number of bytes from the provider reader
fn read_bytes<const N: usize>(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<[u8;N], IoError> {
    let mut buf = [0u8; N];
    // This will actually end up erroring both when something goes wrong with the
    // IO operation and when the reader reaches the end of file before our buf is
    // filled
    reader.read_exact(&mut buf)?;

Ok, there is some new syntax here that we should probably go over. Similar to how we might make a function generic over some T by putting that in the angle brackets, we can now use the const N: usize where N can be any valid Rust identifier and usize can be any "integral" (aka whole number) type. For us, that means we are saying that this function will return some caller-defined array length. Just like type generics this benefits from type inference which is super nice! Now we can update our try_parse_u32 to read_u32

// lib.rs

fn read_u32(reader: &mut impl Read, name: &'static str) -> Result<u32, Error> {
    let buf = read_bytes(reader).map_err(|io_err| {
        Error::Io(io_err, name)

Notice how we don't have to provide the N to read_bytes, because we pass buf to u32::from_be_bytes which requires a [u8;4] so the compiler can figure out that N is 4.

What we have here is pretty nice, but we are going to have to use quite a bit of duplicated code, what if we could some how simplify this further? Maybe we could define something like

// lib.rs

fn read<T, const N: usize>(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<T, IoError> {
    let buf = read_bytes(reader)?;

This would take that extra boilerplate and centralize it, however the compiler will complain because we don't have any value for N in this scenario and that T doesn't have and associated function from_be_bytes so what if we unified all of the types that we want to use this function with? That would solve our problems, let's introduce a trait for this.

// lib.rs

/// A trait to unify the behavior or the primitive number types
/// which all provide a constructor named `from_be_bytes` which
/// take an array of `u8`s of the appropriate size. 
/// This trait leverages the const generic N to define the size of the
/// array needed to construct that type
pub trait FromBigEndian<const N: usize>: Sized {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; N]) -> Self;

Ok, now we have a single trait that we can leverage, which also uses const generics by defining the same N we used in read_bytes. Now, let's implement this for u32.

// lib.rs
impl FromBigEndian<4> for u32 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; 4]) -> Self {

Notice, impl we needs to provide a value for N which means we would have to provide this value manually for any type we wanted to implement. This isn't probably too painful but if we can make this happen automatically, why don't we? To start we can use a macro to ease our pain.

// lib.rs
macro_rules! impl_from_big_endian {
    ($t:ty, $n:expr) => {
        impl FromBigEndian<$n> for $t {
            fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; $n]) -> Self {

Here we are using the "old" style of macros which comes with a bit of a learning curve since it has its own syntax. First, we are defining a new macro named impl_from_big_endian which takes 2 arguments, the first argument ($t) is designated as a ty or "type", the second argument ($n) is designated as an expr or "expression". After the fat arrow, inside the curly braces, we define what code our macro should produce which is very similar to our original implementation of FromBigEndian for u32 except we swap our u32 for $t and 4 for $n. Now let's replace our u32 implementation with our macro.

For more on "old" style macros, Rust By Example chapter on macros is great.

// lib.rs
impl_from_big_endian!(u32, {std::mem::size_of::<u32>()});

This is a lot nicer but this could still be simpler. Instead of making the caller provide both arguments, we should be able to use std::mem::size_of to define that value for us since it is a const fn (which means it can run at compile time). To do that, we will need to add a new variant of our macro.

// lib.rs
macro_rules! impl_from_big_endian {
    ($t:ty, $n:expr) => {
        impl FromBigEndian<$n> for $t {
            fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; $n]) -> Self {
    ($t:ty) => {
        impl_from_big_endian!($t, {std::mem::size_of::<$t>()});

Here, we use some syntax very similar to a match statement where we can define any unique set of inputs (in this case we aren't defining $n). We then recursively call our macro with the second argument provided by std::mem::size_of. So we can change our call for u32 to be

// lib.rs

That is nice and concise! Let's add all of our currently used types.

// lib.rs

If we were to use the wonderful cargo expand utility we would see this expand into the following

// lib.rs
impl FromBigEndian<{ std::mem::size_of::<u32>() }> for u32 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; { std::mem::size_of::<u32>() }]) -> Self {
impl FromBigEndian<{ std::mem::size_of::<i32>() }> for i32 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; { std::mem::size_of::<i32>() }]) -> Self {
impl FromBigEndian<{ std::mem::size_of::<u16>() }> for u16 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; { std::mem::size_of::<u16>() }]) -> Self {
impl FromBigEndian<{ std::mem::size_of::<i16>() }> for i16 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; { std::mem::size_of::<i16>() }]) -> Self {
impl FromBigEndian<{ std::mem::size_of::<u8>() }> for u8 {
    fn from_be_bytes(bytes: [u8; { std::mem::size_of::<u8>() }]) -> Self {

It is much nicer for us to not have written that all manually!

Ok, now that we have our trait defined, let's update our read function to make T require an implementation of FromBigEndian.

// lib.rs

/// Read the number of bytes needed to construct T with the `FromBigEndian`
/// implementation for T
fn read<T, const N: usize>(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<T, IoError> 
where T: FromBigEndian<N> {
    let bytes = read_bytes(reader)?;

Now by simply adding a where T: FromBigEndian<N>, we take care of the 2 compiler errors from our last look at this function. With that in place we can now revisit read_u32.

// lib.rs
fn read_u32(reader: &mut impl Read, name: &'static str) -> Result<u32, Error> {
    read(reader).map_err(|e| {
        Error::IoError(e, name)

There is still some boiler plate but unfortunately there isn't a ton we can do, the error construction with the name of what failed to be read is going to happen wherever read is called and this will look a little nicer than having to use the generic arguments to read in our parse_header function along with the map_err. Now, let's update the rest of lib.rs.

// lib.rs
fn read_i32(reader: &mut impl Read, name: &'static str) -> Result<i32, Error> {
    read(reader).map_err(|e| Error::IoError(e, name))

fn read_u16(reader: &mut impl Read, name: &'static str) -> Result<u16, Error> {
    read(reader).map_err(|e| Error::IoError(e, name))

fn read_u8(reader: &mut impl Read, name: &'static str) -> Result<u8, Error> {
    read(reader).map_err(|e| Error::IoError(e, name))

Phew! Now that we finally have our lib.rs updates made, let's update header.rs to work with our changes. First we are going to update validate_header_string to use an impl Read instead of an array.


/// Validate that the bytes provided match the special string
/// at the start of Sqlite3 files
pub fn validate_header_string(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let buf = crate::read_bytes::<16>(reader).map_err(|e| {
        Error::IoError(e, "header string")
    // if the provided bytes don't match the static HEADER_STRING,
    // we return early
    if buf != HEADER_STRING {
        // since we only head this way on the error case, we convert the provided
        // value into a string. We don't want to error in our error path if it isn't valid utf8
        // so we again use `from_utf8_lossy` and then convert that into a string.

        return Err(Error::HeaderString(

Notice here we are using the new read_bytes where we are explicitly providing 16 as N which will get us a 16 byte array that we can compare with our HEADER_STRING. Up next is parse_page_size.

// header.rs
pub fn parse_page_size(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<PageSize, Error> {
    let raw_page_size = crate::read_u16(reader, "page size")?;

Here we are updating the argument from a byte slice to a reader and using the read_u16 helper along with our try_into helper. Up next is validate_fraction.

// header.rs
fn validate_fraction(reader: &mut impl Read, target: u8, name: &'static str) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let byte = crate::read_u8(reader, name)?;
    if byte != target {
            "{} must be {}, found: {}",
            name, target, byte
    } else {

More of the same here, we are updating the argument to take a reader instead of a single byte and use our new helper to read this value. The last helper in header.rs is validate_reserved_zeros.

// header.rs
fn validate_reserved_zeros(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<(), Error> {
    let bytes = crate::read_bytes::<20>(reader).map_err(|e| {
        Error::IoError(e, "reserved zeros")
    for (i, &byte) in bytes.iter().enumerate() {
        if byte != 0 {
            return Err(Error::UnexpectedNonZero(format!(
                "Reserved space byte: {}",

Once again, we are just updating the argument and then using read_bytes to read our 20 reserved zero bytes in the header. Now for the big lift here, we are going to update parse_header.

// header.rs
pub fn parse_header(reader: &mut impl Read) -> Result<DatabaseHeader, Error> {
    let page_size = parse_page_size(reader)?;
    // These versions have been updated to use `into` instead of `from`
    let write_version = crate::read_u8(reader, "write version")?.into();
    let read_version = crate::read_u8(reader, "read version")?.into();
    let reserved_bytes = crate::read_u8(reader, "reserved bytes length")?;
    validate_fraction(reader, 64, "Maximum payload fraction")?;
    validate_fraction(reader, 32, "Minimum payload fraction")?;
    validate_fraction(reader, 32, "Leaf fraction")?;
    let change_counter = crate::read_u32(reader, "change counter")?;
    let database_size = crate::read_u32(reader, "database size")
    let first_free_page = crate::read_u32(reader, "first free page")?;
    let free_page_len = crate::read_u32(reader, "free page list length")?;
    let free_page_list_info = FreePageListInfo::new(first_free_page, free_page_len);
    let schema_cookie = crate::read_u32(reader, "schema cookie")?;
    let raw_schema_version = crate::read_u32(reader, "schema format version")?;
    let schema_version = SchemaVersion::try_from(raw_schema_version)?;
    let cache_size = crate::read_u32(reader, "cache size")?;
    let raw_vacuum = crate::read_u32(reader, "auto vacuum")?;
    let raw_text_enc = crate::read_u32(reader, "text encoding")?;
    let text_encoding = TextEncoding::try_from(raw_text_enc)?;
    let user_version = crate::read_i32(reader, "user version")?;
    let is_incremental = crate::read_u32(reader, "incremental vacuum")?;
    let vacuum_setting = VacuumSetting::new(raw_vacuum, is_incremental);
    let application_id = crate::read_u32(reader, "application id")?;
        .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e))
    let version_valid_for = crate::read_u32(reader, "version valid for")?;
    let library_write_version = crate::read_u32(reader, "library write version")?;
    Ok(DatabaseHeader {

For the most part, we are just updating the argument from a byte slice to a reader and each usage of our helpers to use the new helpers we just defined. One of the really nice thing about this is that we no longer have to maintain the manual indexing of our header bytes instead we can just read the next set of bytes as we need it.

And with that we are in a much better place to start in on our page parsing.